Why Your Business Needs Twitter

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Having a social media presence is crucial for small businesses. Social media is quickly becoming one of the most influential tools for marketers and one of the best tools for customers. And Twitter is one of them.


There are a number of different platforms your business can leverage. Yet some work better than others for your product base. Facebook is by far the most popular. LinkedIn, Google+ and Instagram are also popular among businesses.


But what about Twitter?

It’s definitely one of the more popular social media platforms. According to Twitter, there are over 320 million active users and counting! But when it comes to marketing, it’s not necessarily the easiest. The main reason being because you’re limited to only 280 characters. This means you have to be able to create compelling content that’s also extremely concise.


Don’t let that discourage you though. Twitter is a platform that all businesses should take advantage of.


Here’s why:


1.Connect with your customers

Twitter has an extremely friendly user face and an easy way to connect with customers also using the platform. You can easily interact with users by @mentions (tagging that user using their @handle in your tweet) or through private messages. This way you can see what people are saying about your business, whether that be good or bad. It’s a great way to pinpoint and resolve any issues from unsatisfied customers.


2. Branding/marketing your business

Twitter is an effective way to market your business to current and potential customers. You can easily inform your followers about new products, deals, or promotions, while also sharing (RT and liking) relevant content which helps to increase your reach. Using #hashtags and incorporating trending topics is also a good way to gain a greater reach. A greater reach means more customers.


3. Keeping up with the competition

Since Twitter is free and users (generally) have public profiles, it’s a great tool. It can help keep an eye on what your competition is doing and what customers are saying about your competitors. This way you can always stay on top of your game and avoid making the same mistakes your competitors might be making.


4. Staying relevant

Keeping up with current trends is important, especially if you’re a business whose audience base appeals to a younger crowd. Twitter is great for providing the latest on news, trends, and hot topics. And it’s a great way to see what your customers like so you can better appeal to their tastes. Like we mentioned above, stay updated using #hashtags and trending topics.


5. Twitter as an advertising platform

Similar to Facebook ads and “promoted” posts on Instagram, Twitter also has ways to promote your account. Twitter provides advertisers with marketing tools such as Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends. These show up on followers’ feeds and can easily get your product’s message across to a much greater audience.


These are just a few of the reasons why Twitter is essential for your business’s social presence. For more information on using Twitter and information on how to set up your business’ Twitter account, contact us and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for more tips!

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