What do parents need to know about cyberbullying in 2020?

Parents need to know about cyberbullying.

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As parents, we never want our children to get harmed or bullied. However, bullying has been a part of life ever since humans started living in sedentary communities. With the increased use of technology in the past few decades, it has become even more prevalent online, especially amongst young people. This is called cyberbullying and according to recent studies, 87% of young people have seen cyberbullying occur online and 59% have been bullied themselves.  Since many parents would not have experienced online harassment, they may be wondering what parents need to know about cyberbullying.


So what do parents need to know about cyberbullying, and what can they do to help their children avoid it? Continue reading to find out the top tips on helping your child avoid this harassment. 

teen girl being cyberbullied

What Exactly is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that takes place over digital devices such as cell phones, computers, and tablets. It is the spread of embarrassing, humiliating, harassing, or damaging communication of another individual or group of individuals. It can be devastating to kids, and can even have long term effects on their mental health. 


Where Does Cyberbullying Occur?

According to the Pew Research Center, around 95% of teens are connected to the Internet, and 85% are using social media. This high rate of online use increases the exposure to harmful interactions such as cyberbullying. So where exactly are children being bullied online? The graphic below breaks down the most common social media sites that teens are cyberbullied on. 

where are teens being cyberbullied


How to Notice the Signs of Cyberbullying

If parents are concerned that their child may be experiencing cyberbullying, they can look for behavioral changes in their child. According to the National Crime Prevention Center (NCPC), they may: 

  • Become shy and withdrawn.
  • Seem more depressed, moody, agitated, anxious, or stressed out.
  • Not want to go to school.
  • Get into trouble at school.
  • Skip school.
  • Have a drop in grades.
  • Have a sudden change in friends.
  • Lose motivation to participate in activities they once enjoyed.
  • Stop using the computer or other devices that connect to the Internet. This is considered a huge red flag since kids are so connected to their devices. If you notice a major change in Internet consumption, it’s important to talk to them about what’s going on.


What Parents Do About Cyberbullying?

If a child is active online, there will always be a risk that they could be cyberbullied. To help lower this risk, parents can:

  • Maintain open and honest communication. Listening is probably the most important asset we can provide our children when dealing with bullying. Let them know that you’re always there to talk about issues they may be having and are there to help without judgment. 
  • Teach them about Internet safety and cyberbullying. Parents can teach their teens about important topics such as online privacy, activity with online friends, and the consequences that come with posting on social media. Teens need to know that anything they post online can be screenshotted and shared. It’s also important for them to understand what exactly cyberbullying is and how to understand when it’s happening. 
  • Build self-confidence. Self-confidence is one of the best tools to combat bullying. Let your child know that you value them. Teach them problem-solving, decision making, and assertive behavior skills. 
  • Establish enforceable rules. These rules could be to ignore communication from people they don’t know, report cyberbullying and/or threats, do not pass along images or messages that may be hurtful to someone else, promote polite and respectable online behavior, ask for help from an adult. 


Cyberbullying is a very serious and real issue among children and young adults. However, with the tools and information presented in this article, you can help educate yourself and your children on how to identify cyberbullying and prevent it from occurring or escalating. For more important information and tips regarding your child’s online activity, please visit our other blog posts!

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