How Digital Creators Are Changing the Game in Social Media

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Digital marketing has never been more vibrant and important for different brands and businesses. At the end of 2021, many predicted the new social media trends of 2022 that would include more digital creators or influencers from other platforms in various ways. 


Influencer Marketing

The platform, TikTok, has increased creator engagement because of the many interests, hobbies, reviews, and careers shared widely worldwide. As a result, different communities have popular creators that brands and businesses notice due to their following or feedback. Platforms like Instagram and YouTube also have creators that can utilize their voices for brands to listen and make effective changes or share products and services. 


This type of marketing is often referred to as influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is social media marketing that uses endorsements or advertisements from influencers or digital creators. 


Audiences trust who they follow on social media and will trust the products, services, and opinions that influencers or creators share. Brands and businesses are starting to use this to their advantage. This audience listening is changing the game. However, not all content is endorsed or pushed through by companies. Other creators have called out brands for their content, products, and services.


Brands and businesses are starting to ask those influencers or digital creators to collaborate and change altogether. Brands like Victoria’s Secret have listened to their audiences and begun collaborations with Content Creator, Remi Bader, to give insight into challenging areas in the past, like plus-size clothes, modeling, or the severe difference in sizing brands and products. 



The Future of Digital

Some collaborations include basic promotions and advertisements, but some creators become featured on brands’ websites with different picks of favorite products or recommendations. These partnerships have been helpful and stimulating for businesses, brands, and creators.


On the other hand, some partnerships cannot be productive and lead to poor consequences for the brand. It is essential to be mindful of these possible effects on reputation and customer retention using outside creators. These effects should not discourage alliances. Listening and actually hearing what your audience enjoys and who they trust will benefit you and your brand on a positive trajectory. Have more questions about social media? Contact us today, and we’ll be happy to help! 

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