Facebook Live Video Best Practices

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Facebook live videos are some of the most engaging content out there. Since launching, over 2 billion people have watched live videos, people spend three times more time watching live video, and live videos often get six times as much engagement. To create successful live videos though you’ll want to follow our tips and best practices below!


Tell Your Audience

If you want people to watch your video they have to know when to tune in! You can schedule live videos and your page followers will be notified when you go live. Just make sure to start broadcasting within 10 minutes of your scheduled start time!


Have A Plan

Do some planning done before getting in front of the camera. Because these are live broadcasts you can’t plan everything, and want room for nice surprises. But having a rough outline or script will prevent awkward pauses.


Be Prepared for Your Live Video

Do you have the right tools for your broadcast? You’ll need connect to wifi or have a great signal to make sure the stream is not interrupted. You should also probably have a tripod and external microphone for your phone, especially if you’re filming outside. This will cut down on distracting noise and images, making your message the star!


Engage with Your Viewers

One of the best features of live videos is the opportunity for viewers and broadcaster to interact! As people leave comments, hit the like button, or ask questions make sure to engage with them. Thank someone by name for tuning in, or answer a question in real time. Viewers will love this genuine interaction.


Follow Up and Go Live Again

After your live video ends, you have the option to save the video to your page, allowing people to watch and ask questions later. Make sure you engage with these viewers too! This is also a great time to ask your audience what they want to see in your next live video ­— most people like to see behind-the-scenes or have Q&A sessions but just ask your audience and they will tell you!



If you have questions about Facebook Live Videos, or want help working live videos into your content strategy contact us today. You should also download our Facebook Live Video Best Practices flyer so you can get more tips and advice on Facebook Live Videos!

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