5 Ways Facebook Can Help Grow Your Business

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By now, we are used to using social media, after all, 74% of all internet users are on it every day! But are you familiar with all the ways social media platforms like Facebook can help grow your business? While traditional marketing methods can still be effective, the new generation of consumers are turning to social media. Consumers use social media to learn about products and services. So, if your business is not using social media effectively, you could be missing out on new customers!


If that is not enough to motivate you to use Facebook for your business, then maybe this will: social media isn’t going anywhere. Social media platforms like Facebook, continue to be one of the easiest and most cost-effective methods for engaging with your customers, promoting your services, and building your brand. We already know about Facebook’s great ability to connect friends to each other, so just imagine how it can connect consumers to your company.


Still not convinced? Take a look at these 5 ways Facebook can grow your business.


1. Audience Engagement Creates Brand Loyalty

Posting often to your social media platforms can help engage your customers and build brand loyalty. The fact that you can also post about your daily specials and product promotions isn’t bad either! By engaging with your customers via social media your business can build relationships, create loyal consumers, and best of all attract new ones who are interested in buying. Just make sure you don’t let too much time pass in-between posts. To get the most out of social media marketing make sure you are posting quality content every day or every other day.


2. Great Content Helps Your Business Stay Connected

When you communicate and actively post on social media, it shows customers that you care about staying relevant. Therefore, that you care about having their business. Create stimulating and appealing visual content will interest your consumers so post often! Photos of products, services, or your place of business will create a more personal connection for your fans.


3. Target Your Ideal Customers with Facebook Ads

When you use Facebook Ads for your business, you are able to target the exact audience demographic you want to reach. You can target based on location, age, gender, education level and so much more! This means your ads are relevant to the audience that will see them. So you don’t have to worry about it being shown to people who are not interested in your services. From an ad, users can get information such as directions to your business, a coupon code to make a purchase or information on how to get an exclusive deal.  Facebook also provides data on how your ad is doing which will help you measure the results.


4. Contests and Incentives Drive Fan Engagement

Everyone loves a good deal or better yet, free stuff. When you post for a contest or giveaways, it drives traffic to your social media page. This traffic boosts fan engagement and often leads to greater exposure for your business. Running a contest or giveaway also can lead to more fans for your page. This means more people your business can connect with (and convert to customers) over time!


5. Social Media Can Boost SEO

When people are searching for your business online, more times than not, they will be looking to see if you have a Facebook page. Search engines, like Google, also rank social media activity in their search results. If your business’ Facebook page has quality content being published consistently and you have a steady amount of follows and likes, then search engines will rank your content higher in the search results. Overall, this makes your business easier for customers to find.



Interested in learning more ways Facebook can help grow your business? Contact us today and schedule a meeting with one of our social media experts who can help get your business.

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